Bryden Mollenauer (2023 Team)
Major: Computer Science
I’m the guy who’s always cheering people up and bringing positive vibes to the team. State champion. 0 incidents at the range under my watch as range safety officer.
James Velarde (2023 Team)
Major: Biology
Minor: History
I am. I thought it’d be neat so I did.
Logan Weller (2023 Team)
Major: Media Arts and Design
Minor: Sports Communication
I am a junior, who is a photographer for JMU Athletics, I also like legos. I started shooting when I was 5 and started competing when I was 7. I eventually worked at an archery shop and now want to continue to grow the sport.
Brandon Lee (2022 Team)
Major: Music Industry
I can't wait to graduate. I am an average aubergine enjoyer. I have two dogs. My favorite colour is blue. My favorite word is fecundity. The joy I receive from psychologically torturing my opponents on the shooting line motivates me to score better. I started at a young age, only 18 years old.